June 2023 Rides

A page featuring galleries and links for cycle tours undertaken during June 2023.

I ride regularly, and I do not necessarily post a web page for each tour I do.

I do post to Facebook, Garmin Connect, Strava and occasionally to Komoot and Instagram.

Monthly Tours

Gravel Grovelling in Gö – June 29 2023

It is advised to take it easy during and after a course of anti-biotics, frankly I had no choice on this ride as I pedalled with heavy legs and a huge lack of zest.

I took it easy and rode some familiar beloved gravel, cobbles and Feldweg. I just had to grovel! (To be supine in front of a perceived superior force…)

It was a cool evening ride and warm rain gently fell adding something extra to the atmosphere, I am glad I elected to not wear white socks!

On Strava: https://www.strava.com/activities/9358647038

Like an Escargot Asthmatique in Gö – June 27 2023

Today was my first time back in the saddle having to take time out because of illness, and so we took it super easy, but despite this it was a tough 25 kilometres. We went shopping for cat food making it a little more adventurous by adding gravel trails, cobbles, and the Gö City Walls to the route.

I had been off the bike for over a week and my last outing was on the Thursday Evening Gö Gravel ride (see below) where I grovelled up hills like an escargot asthmatique (with a hacking smoker’s cough) and now I know why. I had no symptoms of illness and I felt good enough to ride. But the climbs on route were telling me something was wrong – unknowingly I had been infected by a (non-communicable) Pathogen.

Pathogens are seemingly impossible to count, these agents of disease are everywhere and if you were to think about them too much, you might hide yourself away in a hygienic paranoiac bubble.

The types of Pathogens have deliciously sounded names with enough bite to knock you to the floor and are Algae, Bacteria, Fungi, Prion, Viroid, Virus, and Other Parasites.

Thankfully we don´t have to hide from these hosts of danger because we have Immune Systems and when not compromised, they help keep us on this mortal plane.

Soil is a huge source of germs and historians/anthropologists say that when Hunter Gatherers began digging and turning the soil this led to new diseases and infections which were readily transmitted within establishing Agrarian settlements.

The early farmers although able to feed themselves better, their life expectancy didn´t necessarily increase.

Most of the time we can fend off illness, but occasionally Pathogens do invade your body, and this happened to me. My strong immune system aided by a dose of anti-biotics and early action saw me win this little battle, but not before considerable inconvenience.

Wash your Hands (it helps).

On Strava: https://www.strava.com/activities/9343903799

Gö Gravel Staubige Wege im Wald – June 15 2023

As the title says there were dusty trails in the forest on this Gö Gravel Social Ride.

I had left my climbing legs at home but alles gut because everyone was patient with me.

Thanks to Josh, Chris, Felix, Konstantin, Finn, Franz and new faces Mario and Lena for the good vibes.

On Strava: https://www.strava.com/activities/9272728890

Escape to the Forest in Gö – June 11 2023

After a long cold winter, it is taking some time to get used to riding in very warm temperatures and thus with the mercury rising we escaped to the forest and rode as much as we could upon dappled forstweg.

Encouraged with the knowledge of a cake stop we punched up some long climbs.

On Strava: https://www.strava.com/activities/9245991210

Hoher Hagen Gauß Tour in Gö – June 8 2023

This Gö Gravel informal gravel ride takes us out of Gö to the highest height of the Hoher Hagen and the Gauß Turm.

This tour has its own page.

For the Love of Cake in Gö – June 4 2023

Not for the Love of Mud on this bright and sunny June day, but instead it was for the Love of Cake.

At the Historischen Spinnerei Gartetal we indulged and once home we consumed Radler and Flammkuchen.

On Strava: https://www.strava.com/activities/9202151019

Gö Gravel Strade Bianche Leinetal – June 3 2023

We celebrated the Strade Bianche race with an informal Gö Gravel Social ride featuring 34 sectors of the ´Weißen Straßen´ of Göttingen plus concrete/asphalt feldweg, dirt, asphalt cycle paths and public roads.

We rode out from the Gö Velodrome crossing the Leine Valley going West to East. We kicked a lot of dust into the air and Konstantin claimed one of my Strava local heroes, whilst Chris and Josh chased segments.

Danke to Josh, Konstantin, Tim, Andreas, and Chris for their company.

On Strava: https://www.strava.com/activities/9194709428

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